Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Little Note About Travelogues

They take forever.

Hours (sometimes) to write, and then about four hours to get the images ready, upload them, and upload the blog post.

So I'm behind on the tales of my two trips. I have already posted some, and I have a few more written (or close to being finished), as I wrote quite a bit on the road, but I'm trying to put them up in order (because) and I have to find all those magic four hours in my very hectic weeks.

Cape Town moves on, and I have new posts to get up, so I will be back posting the travelogues as I write them and will just post an announcement when they're all up. If you want to read them as they're posted, sign up to one of the RSS feeds, as you're get an automatic notification.

That is all.


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