Tuesday, October 31, 2006

266 Days Together Was Hardly Enough Time

This has been an incredibly busy month for me, both workwise and personally (hence the lack of posts), and today it ended in a spectacularly horrible fashion with the death of my young cat, who I am missing terribly.

Anyway, recently I posted a couple of Cape Town-related items on my web site, if you wish to have a look at those while I take some time to compose myself, and a better blog post.

Dining Review: Caffeine, Riebeek Street, CBD
Cappuccino Quest Entry: Bardelli's, Kenilworth

(BTW, if you're in the habit of speeding recklessly on suburban roads in neighbourhoods where there are a lot of cats, it's probably someone like you I have to thank for murdering my cat and for causing the pain my family is now experiencing.)

(Since Blogger broke my template you'll have to access
older/newer posts via the archive links in the sidebar.)