Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2009 South African Blog Awards Finalists Announced: Your Assistance Is Required Imperatively!

I was buried in deadlines last week, dead to the world, so I'm not sure when it was announced but I found out over the weekend that I have been nominated for the 2009 South African Blog Awards. Twice. In the same category. So I'm fighting myself (as usual) and the rest of the world (as usual).

Should be fun.

I am most grateful to everyone who voted for me in the first round to get me officially nominated for the final round (so I guess I can call myself a "finalist", then). You guys rock and I really appreciate it. This is the first time I've been nominated for a blog award and I am unnaturally excited about it. I know - that is so wrong. Apocalypse nigh.

Of course, now, I need your help one more time. My nominations have been in the category Best Post on a South African Blog. If you visit the site you will see two items with the word "brainwavez" in the URL under that category - those are my articles. One is an article I posted on my group web site brainwavez.org (The Anti-Connoisseur's Guide To A Walk In The African Bush) and the other is a post on my blog (A Cultural Expedition To A Nearby Mall To Snap Photos Of Models In Swimwear).

Personally I favour the KwaZulu-Natal story but your choice is your choice. However, a concerted effort on one entry, rather than having the vote split between two, may* give me a better chance of winning (this is called applied mathematics because I have applied mathematics to something that isn't, on the surface, mathematical - it's a technique science and technology journalists such as myself employ to make our work "edgier").

Voting won't take too long, and I appreciate your support.

Let's win this! I might get to make a speech! (In public! With permission!)

*I say "may" because the voting process is über complicated.
(I had to say "über" once in my blog. This is that time. Bask!)


Monday, March 09, 2009

Nominations For 2009 South African Blog Awards Are Open

It's time for the 2009 South African Blog Awards. I'd love to win at least once in my lifetime (I, too, have big, big dreams) so I've assembled some suggestions (of stuff I've written, I mean). I haven't, however, made the "handy" blog widget that you can configure on the awards site because it automatically generates nominations. This is quite irritating if you just want to click through to the site because you want to check it out but haven't made up your mind yet.

Instead, I've listed the categories for which I feel I might be suitable and the appropriate URLs for them. Feel free to click through to check out any of them if you are suspicious, otherwise you can just cut and paste into the nomination form as is (the form is evil and complains if you include the "http://" bit). I appreciate your support!

(By the way, after you nominate on the site you will receive an email with a confirmation link that you have to click otherwise your nominations are not recorded. Please look out for it.)

* South African Blog of the Year
* Best Entertainment Blog
* Most Humorous South African Blog
* Best Original Writing on a South African Blog
* Best Photographic Blog

(brainwavez.org is half South African so I don't know if it counts but I've decided that it does)

* South African Blog of the Year
* Best Entertainment Blog
* Best Original Writing on a South African Blog

Nominate the following:
(These are four of my favourites but you are welcome to nominate anything I've written on my blog or for brainwavez.org during 2008.)

* Best Post on a South African Blog

The Anti-Connoisseur's Guide To A Walk In The African Bush:

A Cultural Expedition To A Nearby Mall To Snap Photos Of Models In Swimwear:

Cape Town GeekDinner Report: Happy Habanero:

Rigoletto, Joseph Stone Auditorium, Athlone, Cape Town, Until Tomorrow

Finally, if you're looking for other blogs to nominate, I would like to recommend Cape Town Daily Photo by Paul and Kerry-Anne Gilowey, The Other Side Of The Mountain by kyknoord, Jonathan Hitchcock's blog, and Alison Westwood's Getaway blog.



(Since Blogger broke my template you'll have to access
older/newer posts via the archive links in the sidebar.)